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A Common Heart Condition Causes Sudden Death – Here’s How to Prevent It

It’s February, the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day and the love of our life. So let’s focus on your heart for a moment to make sure you’re around to enjoy your loved ones for years to come.

You’ve probably heard of a sports star collapsing and dying. It’s always a shocking event. If you saw it, you’ll never forget watching Hank Gathers crumble to the floor during a college basketball game in 1990. It was a tragic end to a great ballplayer’s life. There are also stories going around the Internet about a woman who went for a jog, came home, took a shower, collapsed, and died.

It happens all too often. What’s stunning is that it can happen to people who are in great shape, as well as people who aren’t. The suspected cause of many of these sudden deaths is a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM.

HCM causes thickening of the heart muscle. This thickening results in defects in the heart’s electrical system. While HCM can result in sudden death, other patients may go undiagnosed, with their heart function declining gradually over decades.

In order to treat HCM, you have to prevent the thickening of the muscle and, at the same time, protect the signaling process that allows the heart’s electrical system to function.

How to Stop Heart Tissue From Thickening

We know that the linings of the arteries become thick when deposits of fat, cholesterol, fibrin (a clotting material), cellular debris, and calcium accumulate. The same can be true in the heart muscle. And it can happen to anyone. In fact, it does.

David Ewing Duncan is a reporter for National Geographic magazine. He had heard that chemicals could easily build up in your body tissues and blood. So he decided to investigate. He was his own guinea pig. He wrote: “I’m a writer engaged in a journey of chemical self-discovery. Last fall (I’m not sure when he wrote this article – the website doesn’t have a date on it), I had myself tested for 320 chemicals I might have picked up from food, drink, the air I breathe, and the products that touch my skin – my own secret stash of compounds acquired by merely living. It includes older chemicals that I might have been exposed to decades ago, such as DDT and PCBs; pollutants like lead, mercury, and dioxins; newer pesticides and plastic ingredients; and the near-miraculous compounds that lurk just beneath the surface of modern life, making shampoos fragrant, pans nonstick, and fabrics water-resistant and fire-safe.”

The test was thorough. National Geographic paid $15,000 for all the tests. Duncan’s blood level of one particularly toxic PBDE, a flame retardant found primarily in U.S.-made products, was 10 times the average of most people in the U.S. And his blood level of another PBDE variant was high even for factory workers who make the chemical. In other words, his flame retardant levels were off the charts. Where did he come in contact with so many flame retardants? Duncan believes it was on airplanes, where everything is sprayed with the chemical to meet federal safety standards.

These chemicals can interfere with thyroid function, cause reproductive and neurological problems, and hamper neurological development.

So what’s the likelihood these types of chemicals are in the average person (not just one who flies 200,000 miles annually)? In one study, scientists wanted to find the answer to that question. So they tested a group of families from the European Union for 107 different man-made toxins. They tested the blood and urine of each family member, from the youngest to the oldest. They found that every single person had contamination, some with as many as 63 different chemicals. But those over the age of 58 had the most toxins in their system. This makes sense, as toxins tend to accumulate over time. The chemicals included PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated chemicals, and more.

The 63 chemicals was actually a small number compared to another study done by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. This study found 148 different chemicals in 2,400 Americans. The most common toxin was a mixture of pesticides, where nine out of ten samples contained the chemicals. Another common, but not surprising, chemical they found was benzo(a)pryene, which is a toxin in automobile exhaust fumes. Over 25% of the samples had this toxin. Another CDC study found that 97% of Americans have high levels of oxybenzone – a toxin in sunscreens.

And a Mount Sinai School of Medicine study found a total of 167 different chemicals in the blood and urine samples of volunteers. There was an average of 91 toxins in each volunteer. The toxins included lead, dioxins, PCBs, phthalate DEHP, as well as compounds that have been banned for more than a quarter century. Of these 167 chemicals, 76 cause cancer in humans or animals, 94 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 79 cause birth defects or abnormal development.

Here’s the bottom line — it’s likely, if not for sure, that each of us has multiple chemicals in our body that don’t need to be there. A healthy body can handle a certain number of chemicals. Unfortunately, we don’t know what that number is. And we don’t know when they begin to cause problems. We just know they do. And given enough time, they will cause problems for most of us.

So How Can You Get Rid of These Chemicals?

Chelation therapy – a doctor-administered treatment – is one of the surest ways to get rid of chemicals and heavy metals. What’s more, if you want to avoid a heart attack, chelation is the one sure way to do it. Chelation is a marvelous means of restoring health in folks with heart and circulation problems. And it really works!

Our clinic has seen hundreds of cases of men and women who have undergone chelation treatments and seen their symptoms vastly improved. Angina, for instance, often goes away! Intermittent claudication patients can walk without pain in their legs. And people with circulation problems have more energy and clarity of thought, and their aches and pains clear up rapidly.

Best of all, chelation is extremely safe. We’ve never had anyone stop the therapy due to unpleasant side effects.

The compound most often used with chelation is EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid), which typically is intravenously injected into one of your veins. Chelation works by grabbing hold of toxic metals and minerals in your bloodstream and pulling them out of your body, through your kidneys. In the process, it clears out your veins and arteries, allowing your blood to flow more freely, and detoxifies your body!

When doctors first used chelation in their practices, it was not used to reverse blood vessel blockages, as it is often used today. It wasn’t until sometime around 1941 that doctors began to use it to extract toxic lead accumulations.

Early in the 1950s, doctors observed that patients treated for lead poisoning with chelation therapy stopped having angina attacks. A few progressive cardiovascular physicians who were searching for alternatives, apart from heart surgery, to remove plaque from diseased arteries, became excited about this benefit.

Return to Health With Chelation

Today, chelation is still not endorsed by the American Heart Association for treatment of angina or blood vessel obstruction. But many progressive physicians offer chelation treatments to their patients and have experienced enormous success. Here are some of the things patients have noticed after a series of chelation treatments:

  • lower cholesterol levels
  • diabetics use less insulin
  • lower blood pressure
  • normalization of irregular heartbeats
  • leg cramps vanish
  • allergies disappear
  • memory and concentration are restored
  • hearing has improved and the senses of taste and smell return
  • arthritic aches and pains are reduced
  • hands and feet are no longer cold
  • impotence is reversed (with no need for Viagra)
  • energy is revived
  • hair loss slows — and in some cases reverses!

Now I know this list sounds too good to be true, but alternative doctors have witnessed these things again and again. All of them were possible because these folks tried chelation. The benefits of chelation are real, even the FDA endorses chelation for the removal of toxic metals.

When it comes to removing debris that can lead to thickened tissue, there’s nothing better than chelation therapy. This doctor administered treatment can remove heavy metals (which are a major cause of thickened tissue), fats, and other problem debris. Having the treatment done once every 6-12 months can protect your heart like nothing else can. Doing so could prevent you from having a heart attack and many other circulation-related conditions.

Learn more about chelation therapy. To make an appointment for chelation therapy, please call our office today at 678-990-5401. sunscreen-chemical#.WnHXYzdG1PZ 0ahUKEwjfyYyWuoLZAhXR21MKHYXvB6kQFghBMAQ&url= %2Fdownloads%2Fgenerationsx.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1emYzw2dCAHrf8Xh5q8Rt7

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