Roswell, GA Office(678) 990-5401

Stockbridge, GA Office(770) 756-1974

About Real Health Medical in Georgia


About Real Health Medical in Georgia


About Real Health Medical in Georgia


About Real Health Medical in Georgia


We Help You Take Charge of Your Health Care

Far too often, health care is taken out of your hands and put in the hands of organizations. These aren’t medical professionals. These are government officials, insurance executives, and account executives who have the motivation to make and save money — not improve your health.

At Real Health Medical, we want to help you take back your health care. You know your body better than anyone, and to put your health decisions in the hands of people who don’t know you and don’t trust you is not your best path to reaching Real Health.

That’s why we do not contract with insurance carriers, and therefore, we cannot bill insurance for any of our services. We also opted-out of Medicare and Medicaid. At Real Health Medical, we like the term insurance-free, because medicine that is practiced free from insurance allows the freedom to serve you and not your insurance carrier. This means that we can pursue the most effective treatment options for your unique challenges.

A picture of our expert providers.

Our direct-pay practice may be different from what you are used to, and we understand your apprehension. But there are some advantages you may want to consider:

● Insurance-free medicine puts you, the patient, in the driver’s seat.● Insurance-free medicine may be lower than your deductibles.● An insurance-free approach is often more comprehensive and higher quality.● Choosing a more natural approach isn’t considered “standard and customary” by the insurance carriers. Therefore, our services typically aren’t covered. But you can still file your receipts with your insurance company. There are companies that can help you do this for a fee.● Over 80% of our patients have insurance, and yet they still choose us.● You can use your Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and FLEX Spending Accounts (FSA)as a form of payment.● You also can use a sharing ministry, such as Samaritan’s Ministries. We strongly recommend this sharing program and have worked with them very well for a number of years. It is a great alternative to typical health insurance.● Specialty lab tests would not be covered by insurance. However, blood work and certain labs (nutritional panels, stool tests) typically can be billed to your insurance.

Our Mission

To improve the lives of those we serve and increase the opportunity for integrated medical and wellness care through our team of specialized practitioners.

Our Core Values

1. Integrated Practice2. Relational Community3. Life Giving Speech4. Personalized Care5. Deliberate Discipleship6. Personal Responsibility7. Continual Improvement

Our C’s of Care

● Client-centered Personalized Care● Comprehensive Root Cause Approach● Christian Faith-Based Worldview● Changed Lives is the goal!

Our Locations

Roswell, GA Location

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  • Fax

    (678) 990-5405

  • Office Hours

    Mon - Thu: 9 AM - 5 PM | Fri: 10 AM - 3 PM

Stockbridge, GA Location

  • http://thenounproject.comThe Noun ProjectIcon TemplateRemindersStrokesTry to keep strokes at 4pxMinimum stroke weight is 2pxFor thicker strokes use even numbers: 6px, 8px etc.Remember to expand strokes before saving as an SVG SizeCannot be wider or taller than 100px (artboard size)Scale your icon to fill as much of the artboard as possibleUngroupIf your design has more than one shape, make sure to ungroupSave asSave as .SVG and make sure “Use Artboards” is checked100px.SVG
  • Fax

    (678) 782-3180

  • Office Hours

    Mon - Thu: 9 AM - 5 PM

Meet Our Roswell Team

Adriene Bowman.

Adriene Bowman

IV Nurse

Delia Manocchio.

Delia Manocchio

Client Coordinator Dr. Absi

Desta Long.

Desta Long

Team Lead & Client Coordinator Molly Heimbecker

Jenny Aguilar.

Jenny Aguilar

Medical Assistant

Laurie Walters.

Laurie Walters

Client Coordinator Doren Clark

Leigha Urrea.

Leigha Urrea

Client Coordinator - PRN

Robyn Grace.

Robyn Grace

IV Nurse

Shealyn McNamara.

Shealyn McNamara

Client Coordinator Dr. Bergeron

Taylor Lundy.

Taylor Lundy

Medical Assistant

AnnaMarie Stephens.

AnnaMarie Stephens

IV Nurse

Rick McGillivray IV Nurse

Rick McGillivray

 IV Nurse

Barb Dirrim.

Barb Dirrim

Office Manager

Dawn Bergeron.

Dawn Bergeron


Jessica Aguilar.

Jessica Aguilar

Billing Coordinator & Marketing Assistant

Karen Harrison.

Karen Harrison

Business Development & D.R.E.S.S. Coaching Program

Kay Long.

Kay Long

Front Desk Coordinator

Lyn Rosser.

Lyn Rosser

Supplement Coordinator

Melissa Pavelschak.

Melissa Pavelschak

Cancer Client Coordinator 

Meet Our Stockbridge Team

Stephanie Jackson, NP.

Stephanie Jackson, NP

Merrilea Reeves, NP.

Merrilea Reeves, NP

Kristen Beach, NP.

Kristen Beach, NP

Charity Allen.

Charity Allen

Client Coordinator Merrilea Reeves

Kristen Beach.

Kristen Beach

IV Nurse

Tara Biles.

Tara Biles

Front Office Coordinator

Trish McBride.

 Bayleigh Tinney

 Front Office Coordinator