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About Real Health Medical in Georgia
About Real Health Medical in Georgia
About Real Health Medical in Georgia
Far too often, health care is taken out of your hands and put in the hands of organizations. These aren’t medical professionals. These are government officials, insurance executives, and account executives who have the motivation to make and save money — not improve your health.
At Real Health Medical, we want to help you take back your health care. You know your body better than anyone, and to put your health decisions in the hands of people who don’t know you and don’t trust you is not your best path to reaching Real Health.
That’s why we do not contract with insurance carriers, and therefore, we cannot bill insurance for any of our services. We also opted-out of Medicare and Medicaid. At Real Health Medical, we like the term insurance-free, because medicine that is practiced free from insurance allows the freedom to serve you and not your insurance carrier. This means that we can pursue the most effective treatment options for your unique challenges.
To improve the lives of those we serve and increase the opportunity for integrated medical and wellness care through our team of specialized practitioners.
1. Integrated Practice2. Relational Community3. Life Giving Speech4. Personalized Care5. Deliberate Discipleship6. Personal Responsibility7. Continual Improvement
● Client-centered Personalized Care● Comprehensive Root Cause Approach● Christian Faith-Based Worldview● Changed Lives is the goal!
(678) 990-5405
Office Hours
Mon - Thu: 9 AM - 5 PM | Fri: 10 AM - 3 PM
(678) 782-3180
Office Hours
Mon - Thu: 9 AM - 5 PM
IV Nurse
Client Coordinator Dr. Absi
Team Lead & Client Coordinator Molly Heimbecker
Medical Assistant
Client Coordinator Doren Clark
Client Coordinator - PRN
IV Nurse
Client Coordinator Dr. Bergeron
Medical Assistant
IV Nurse
IV Nurse
Client Coordinator Merrilea Reeves
IV Nurse
Front Office Coordinator
Front Office Coordinator
Become a Partner: We love partnering with like-minded professionals for a more healthy and prosperous community. To join our network of referral partners and be invited to our quarterly meetings, please complete the Become a Partner Form.
Employment: Click our Employment Interest Form to see open positions and submit your interest.
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Become a Partner: We love partnering with like-minded professionals for a more healthy and prosperous community. To join our network of referral partners and be invited to our quarterly meetings, please complete the Become a Partner Form.
Employment: Click our Employment Interest Form to see open positions and submit your interest.
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