Roswell, GA Office(678) 990-5401

Stockbridge, GA Office(770) 756-1974

Real Health Medical’s Mission is…

Changed Lives

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Changed Lives Written Stories

Luke Miller
Luke has had quite a health journey! When he was little, he had consistent high fevers which led us on a journey seeing multiple infectious disease specialists who finally diagnosed him with PFAPA. He had pneumonia twice and he had to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. 
Luke was 8 years old when his next health challenge began his hair started falling out in patches. I took him to his pediatrician who diagnosed him with alopecia. He referred Luke to a dermatologist. We ran blood work initially to see if there were any other causes for his hair loss, but all came back normal. 
After our initial visit with the dermatologist, we left with a steroid cream to rub on his scalp. After a few weeks of using the cream with no results, we came back to the dermatologist where they increased the steroid dosage. We tried it, but he continued to have hair loss. We returned one more time to the dermatologist who suggested possible steroid injections directly on the scalp. I did NOT want him to go through that! I realized that steroids were the only option from the dermatologist to treat his condition and I knew I needed another plan. Thanks to a friend's recommendation, we came to Real Health Medical (RHM). I felt like they were the first group to look at Luke's whole health condition to try to find the root cause of his issues not just treat the symptoms. We worked with Molly Heimbecker (Physicians Assistant), Karen Harrison (Nutritionist), and Arlene Daily (Allergy Specialist). We ran bloodwork, an IgG Food Panel and GI Map stool test to discover multiple food triggers and key bacterial strains that were out of balance.
Molly gave us a protocol for getting the bacteria under control and actually healing his gut. Our nutritionist and allergy specialist helped us navigate his food triggers so we had a workable plan to do at home. Luke had a limited diet for a while, and it took a LOT of effort to find foods he could eat that he liked. We also started clean protein shakes with gut healing powder and IntraMax liquid multi vitamin/mineral supplement as part of the nutritional therapy approach. Real Health Medical told me it would take months for Luke's gut to begin to heal. While we were diligent in his diet and supplements, Luke ended up losing every hair on his body. We didn't know if he would ever have any hair regrowth with the severity of his condition, but we stayed the course and kept praying that God would heal him from the inside out. I have to admit it was hard. There were many days of tears as we faced the loss of his hair and the restricted diet with supplements, but we had the support of our wonderful family, friends, and Real Health Medical.
Let me say, following their protocol was worth all the effort, time and money we invested! Almost two years later, we are thrilled to report: • Luke is a healthy and thriving boy.• He has had tremendous hair regrowth that is thick and full! • He has hair growing all over his body including eyebrows, eyelashes, and even nose hair!• God answered our prayer and healed Luke from the inside out!
We continue to pray that God will keep Luke healthy and his hair will remain and Real Health Medical has given us great tools to help in this journey. I'm so grateful as a mother to have my little boy back again and full of confidence! Thank you to our team at Real Health Medical for taking a root cause approach!

A picture of our patient, Luke Miller.

Heart Problems Resolved
Neither my cardiologist nor my psychiatrist would have ever come up with hyperbaric oxygen as a solution to my heart problems. Hyperbaric oxygen has changed the quality of my life, improved my mental clarity, and stopped my blackouts. 
I may have had rheumatic fever as a child, because by the time I was 35 I needed a heart valve replacement. I was given one of the first mechanical valves, back in 1978, and a year later I was put on the blood-thinner known as Coumadin. I've been on it ever since. In 1994, the valve had to be replaced, and so I was given a second one, along with a pacemaker and defibrillator. Evan so, I started having what I would call "events". I would have blackouts, periods that I could not recall. I might, for instance, be driving home but have no memory of the drive. I went for many kinds of tests, but no doctor could come up with an answer or solution. 
Dr. Rhett Bergeron and Real Health Medical suggested hyperbaric oxygen therapy. At that time I was building a house in the north Georgia Mountains, too far to travel daily to the doctor's clinic, so I bought a chamber for home use and even had a special room built for it. I use it daily. I find it very comfortable. Not only did it completely stop my blackouts, it has given me much greater mental clarity. I also take heart-healthy supplements and magnesium. My cardiologist and psychiatrist would never have come up with hyperbaric oxygen as a solution. Dr. Bergeron and Real Health Medical don't treat symptoms, they solve medical problems.
- Lee

Cancer Conquered
"Two years after my original diagnosis of breast cancer, and after a complete immune treatment protocol at Real Health Medical, I went back to the original doctor for a follow-up. He did mammograms, sonograms, and took ten needle biopsies, five on each side. I was cancer- free. 'No malignancy on either side,' he told me. 'Nothing on the left, nothing on the right.' But he was not happy. I had not had the double mastectomy he'd recommended." 
Ten years ago, on a Friday, a suspicious area the size of a pea was found on my mammogram. Double biopsies were done on both breasts and the report was not good. The doctor wanted to do a double mastectomy just a few days later on Tuesday. That was way too fast for me. I'd had melanoma 25 years earlier, and though the surgeons had supposedly excised it all, I felt that if I had a second cancer, my whole body needed attention and treatment. My whole immune system needed to be addressed. I went for a second opinion to an oncologist and he told me although the cancer was early stage, surgery was indeed necessary. 
I've used alternative medicine and taken nutritional supplements my whole life, and when a friend told me about Dr. Bergeron and Real Health Medical, I made an appointment. 
Ten years later, I can tell you that it was the best decision I could have made. The moment I met him I felt I was in good hands and he was the right doctor for me. I had forwarded him all my medical paperwork, and we began a treatment program that included IV vitamin C, immune therapy, metabolic breast injections, mistletoe immune injections, chelation, diet and lifestyle changes, detoxification, and supplementation. One of my most pleasant memories is that while I was having an IV, if the doctor had a break in his patients, he'd go play beautiful piano music, for at that time he had a piano in the waiting room. I felt so soothed. What other doctor provides his own healing music? 
In the beginning I went a few times a week, and as time went on I went less often. All along we monitored my CA27.29 breast cancer marker. Over the first year the marker decreased from 34 to 19. We also monitored my condition with breast ultrasounds, breast MRI, and a repeat mammogram. All of these radiology tests showed improvement and eventually resolution of the abnormal area on mammograms. 
After two years of treatment, I was feeling better than ever, and Dr. Bergeron suggested I go back for another thorough oncology checkup and repeat biopsy. I went back to the original oncologist, even though I didn't like him, because I wanted proof from him that I was well. It was November of 2003 and the doctor did x-rays, ultrasound and took ten biopsies (five on each side). In December I went back for my results. "No malignancy on either side. Nothing on the left, nothing on the right. See you in four months," he said. But he was not happy. I had not followed his recommendation for surgery, and he was angry. He forwarded the report to my original primary-care doctor, who called me up and asked me literally five times in a row, "You never had Surgery?" I told him about my treatment plan, and he was very pleased for me. 
Over the past 10 years we have continued preventative IV Vitamin V/ Nutritional therapy, supplementation, regular check-ups, and have continued to follow the CA27.29 breast cancer marker every 4-6 months. It is a privilege for me to recommend Real Health Medical."

To God be the glory.
On Nov. 21, 2006, I received the most shocking news of my life. After years of healthy eating and teaching others the importance of colon health, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I had been seeing Dr. Bergeron for several years for adrenal exhaustion and thyroid and hormone related issues. When severe bowel symptoms began to manifest, he worked tirelessly with me to try to find the answers for my symptoms. He used both alternative and conventional diagnostic methods, to no avail. Only after surgical intervention, was the cancer found. I was extremely ill. But again Dr. Bergeron and his entire staff worked to help me find the best treatment protocol for me. We chose conventional treatment, coupled with an extensive nutritional protocol. He was always more than happy to answer question and to encourage me when I reached toxic levels with conventional treatment. I not only sought nutritional help but sought the Lord for wisdom, direction and my complete healing. Death was never considered an option. God showed me supernaturally that there was a direct link between my illness and unforgiveness. I shared these revelations with Dr. Bergeron. In the meantime, he did more extensive study on the emotional roots of disease and confirmed what the Lord had shown me. I know that I am alive today because of the Lord's goodness and healing, the prayers of many and because of the excellent care and willingness of Dr. Bergeron to be open to all avenues of healing- spiritually and physically- conventional and alternative. Psalm 27:13 "What, what would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living." 
- Sue

Mystery Solved - Lyme Disease
I was an equestrian and rode horses in the woods a lot, and spent 18 years on Martha's Vineyard, which is known to have an epidemic of tick-borne illness. I was bitten by ticks several times. I had one in my ear, and one on my head. I just pulled them off and went on my merry way. I was a very active, "get on with it" type of person. So I didn't worry. 
Now, looking back, I probably had Lyme disease for at least ten years before I got diagnosed. By that time I was down in Atlanta, Georgia, and no doctor here ever asked me about my life story or other places I'd lived. In hindsight, I was a poster child for Lyme disease. My symptoms were all over the board and got progressively worse over the years. I started out with heavy chest pain, and was told I had arthritis of the chest. I was only in my 40's and I'm a Type A personality, so I just shrugged it off and went on my way. Then I got terrible vertigo. I'd be bending down over the toilet looking at life through a kaleidoscope, throwing up. I was given medication for that, and thank God it worked. Then my whole body got sore. I noticed that massages hurt, and even if I touched my own skin it felt sore. That got worse and worse. I was also terrible tired. My whole life I'd never napped, but I started needing naps. In fact, it got to the point that my exhaustion was off the charts. I began to have numbness in my legs, hand, and feet, and strange prickly sensations. I had no idea what in the world was wrong with me. I finally couldn't work anymore. I'd been earning a six-figure a year living, and I was unable to work for five years.
I was sent to a rheumatologist who asked me if I was depressed and suggested I see a psychiatrist. I was scanned for spinal and brain tumors. They thought I might have multiple sclerosis or even Lou Gehrig's disease, but everything came up negative. Frankly, who wouldn't have been depressed, with all those health problems and no answer. 
At that point Real Health Medical and Dr. Bergeron came into my life. And he said, "You've got a chronic infection known as Lyme disease". That mere diagnosis was so powerful. It was the first time in many, many years a doctor seemed to know what was wrong. He said it with compassion, and educated me and outlined a treatment plan. 
I started feeling better within the first two weeks of treatment, and by two months I was feeling so much better, although it took several years and a sincere commitment to treatment to really bring my health completely back. My treatment included herbal antibiotics and nutritional supplements to support my metabolism and immune system. I joked that I was a walking apothecary. I had been so sick, I was religious about doing exactly what the doctor told me to do. Now I travel internationally again, swim, play golf, and feel really healed. I still take low doses of herbal antibiotics, and do saunas, and I have a far greater regard for my body and the food I put into it. I have to say, that when I first went to Real Health Medical I felt like I was dying. After a few weeks, I came to believe I could completely heal, I think that belief is important. 
- Susan

Due in large part to Dr. Bergeron and his capable staff, I am now celebrating victory over a 4-year stint with shingles. When I came to Dr. Bergeron for help in June of 2013, I had suffered with shingles for almost a year and a half and had just been told (as kindly as possible by my former doctor) that I would probably have shingles for the rest of my life. I was 78 years old at the time. Dr. Bergeron emphatically disagreed with that diagnosis, which gave me a very welcome dose of hope. 
He started me on a protocol to strengthen my immune system which included clearing me of many food sensitivities through Arlene's very effective treatment. Over the next few years Dr. Bergeron tried many different things, never giving up, and I began to make progress until this spring no shingle infection was found in me! Hallelujah! I feel like shouting it from the rooftops! My gratitude is boundless. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Bergeron and Staff! 
Gratefully,May 31, 2016Phyllis Hardin

I Feel Like a New Person!
The lady who serves us coffee at our coffee shop said to me, "You look fabulous. You look like you're aging in reverse!" I loved the compliment because I knew she was seeing with her eyes what I was feeling!! 
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you both Doren Clark and her Coordinator, Laurie for what you do to help menopausal women feel vibrant again!! 
Before I started coming to your practice I felt miserable, old, achy, and moody. My weight was undesirable, my sleep was horrible, the hot flashes were a nightmare and I had very low energy. Waking up in the morning presented itself as unpleasant experience because my body hurt and I felt tired from not sleeping well. All of these things made me feel depressed and often, I was not pleasant to be around and took no joy in my daily routines because of all the symptoms.
Fast-forward to two years ago and I can testify that I have been feeling like a new person since my first visit with you. It started with that shot you gave me to make me feel better while you waited on the blood work results. That alone made me feel like I was 35 again! Then 2 weeks later I got my first treatment with the pellets and I say, "WOW" to science! 
My quality of life has increased exponentially. Now, I look forward to "hopping" out of bed every morning instead of grudgingly and slowly rolling over and out, greeted with aching joints a tired body from a sleep cycle dominated and interrupted by hot flashes. I don't miss sleeping with with a bedside fan, turning it on and off all night. I wake up with zest, ready for the day free from all of the symptoms that had me in a deep, blue funk
Additionally, last semester and this semester was my first time taking a full 15 hour schedule of classes since I've been going to Georgia State. Normally, I would take 2-3 classes, depending on the difficulty of the class, but feeling better and having more energy gave me the boost that I needed to do in 2 semesters what normally would have taken me twice as long to do. Tomorrow is my graduation day, and I know that feeling better physically, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally has contributed to my expedited graduation day and the success of getting straight A's both fully loaded semesters! I have had the physical and mental strength to focus and stay committed to the tasks required of me. You can't do that when you're feeling bad, when you're feeling tired, feeling like you're aging fast because you hurt all the time, and are depressed as a result. 
I am feeling soooo amazing and wanted to take some time to share my journey and to say, "Thank you." May you both continue to do meaningful work. May your lives be enriched with the blessings that surpass the blessings your work contributes to others. 
Sincerely,Angela Veal

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At Real Health Medical, we love to hear and share stories of healing to inspire others who may be going through a health challenge. Take a moment to share your story with us and others to spread the hope of real health!