Roswell, GA Office(678) 990-5401

Stockbridge, GA Office(770) 756-1974

Sexual Health Therapies Roswell & Stockbridge, GA

Sexual Health

Sexual health from a functional medicine perspective recognizes intimacy and sexuality are deeply connected to overall health. There is often a root cause for sexual dysfunction that needs to be resolved. Toxins can create havoc on our hormones and sexual function for example. Beyond the physical aspects, sexual health can be disrupted from emotional and energetic factors. Deepening communication in relationships and healing past traumas are integral to experiencing a satisfying and harmonious sexual life.
At Real Health we approach sexual health the same as we do any other area of health. Discovering the root causes, then treating with natural modalities first and conventional modalities if needed. Helping our clients build a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and emotional connection plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy libido. Foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids, support hormonal balance and enhance vitality. We believe improved sexual health = improved overall health!!

  • P-Shot Injections for Men

    The P-Shot, also known as the Priapus shot, is a quick, outpatient procedure designed to enhance and improve sexual function in men. The P-Shot method involves utilizing platelets to stimulate tissue regression and blood flow in the penis. The results can lead to significant improvements in erectile dysfunction as well as overall sexual performance.
    For many men, erectile dysfunction plays a major role in your sexual health. It can have a negative effect on your self-confidence, cause stress, and can impact your ability to have intercourse. We understand how private and personal this journey is and are pleased to offer a solution to help you regain control.
    The Priapus shot is an alternative to pill treatment and works to naturally enhance the function of the penis. The process involves taking a few blood samples, typically from the arm, and putting it in a test tube. The tube goes into a centrifuge which separates the plasma and the blood cells. By doing this, we isolate the PRP, or platelet-rich-plasma, which is then injected into the penis. A topical medicine is typically applied beforehand to ensure maximum comfort.
    Results for most patients are immediate but it may take a few months to experience its full effectiveness. A penis pump may be given to patients after the procedure as part of the follow-up care.
    Benefits of the P-ShotThe P-Shot offers benefits to patients struggling with erectile and sexual dysfunction. This includes:● Improved Erectile Dysfunction.● Increased Sexual Stamina.● Increased Blood Flow and Circulation.● Increased Firmness.● Enhanced Appearance.● Increased Size. 

  • O-Shot Injections for Women

    For many women, becoming aroused and achieving sexual pleasure can be difficult. Real Health Medical now offers a solution. The O-Shot®, also known as the Orgasm shot, is a simple, non-surgical procedure that helps women regain sexual pleasure by rejuvenating vaginal tissue and improving sexual function.

    The O-Shot is a non-surgical procedure that results in a quick in-office visit. To ensure optimal comfort, injection sites are numbed before treatment. The process begins with a blood withdrawal. It is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets. From there, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the upper vaginal tissue and clitoris to stimulate growth of new cells. With increased blood flow to the vaginal area, this injection works to make the vaginal tissue healthier and more sensitive.

    Benefits of the O-Shot

    The O-Shot offer a wide variety of benefits to women, including:

    ● Safe, non-surgical procedure.
    ● Improved sexual arousal.
    ● Stronger, more frequent orgasms.
    ● Higher sex drive.
    ● Younger, smoother-looking skin around the vagina.
    ● Urinary leakage benefits.
    ● Improved lubrication.
    ● Enhanced sensitivity.

    The O-Shot is also used to treat several medical conditions like Female Orgasmic Disorder, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, and more. If you are wondering if the O-Shot is a good solution for you, our functional medicine experts can help. We offer individualized consultations where we will gather information on your health and lifestyle, provide information on injection risks and benefits, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

  • Thermiva Therapy for Women

    Thermiva offers a non-surgical solution for women dealing with vaginal laxity, which can result from factors like vaginal childbirth, aging, menopause, obesity and chronic constipation. ThermiVa is a radiofrequency therapy to rejuvenate the vaginal wall to relieve dryness, laxity and improve overall vaginal health integrity.
    ● Non-invasive.● Non-ablative.● Non-surgical.● No anesthesia required.● No hormones.● No downtime.

Who is Dr. Tom:

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At Real Health, our highly trained team of medical professionals believes in personalized care plans that offer symptom relief, while also looking deeper to uncover the root causes. Our treatments combine the best of conventional medicine with evidence based proven alternative and lifestyle therapies to help our clients take back control of their health. Contact us today!