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Why Your Hormone Levels Might Be “Normal” – But Still Too Low

When most people get their hormones tested, they use the typical laboratory blood tests. They assume – as does their doctor – that these tests are the best way to diagnose a hormone deficiency.

While blood tests are certainly important, they’re not the only way to diagnose a deficiency.

In fact, there are three different ways to determine hormone deficiencies. Unfortunately, most doctors don’t realize that the laboratory tests are the least important.

The absolute best way to diagnose a hormone deficiency is for the doctor to “practice” medicine and consider the symptoms and physical signs of the patient. If you are deficient in a particular hormone, you will have certain symptoms and physical effects that are obvious. These are very consistent across the board for most people.

For example, if you have low thyroid hormones, you’re probably going to have dry, flaky skin, low energy, and weight gain. If your testosterone levels are low, you’re probably going to experience a decrease in hair growth on your legs. And hot flashes are sign of low progesterone (and perhaps other hormone deficiencies).

Most doctors who have studied hormones and their symptoms are very aware of these clues. They don’t need lab tests to determine what hormones are deficient. And they can usually prescribe the right hormones simply by talking with and examining you. While this is the best and most accurate way to determine a hormone deficiency, there’s one other way.

The next way to diagnose a hormone deficiency is by using a “clinical trial.” All this means is that the doctor gives the patient the hormone to see what happens. Here’s an example of how this works.

One of the classic symptoms of testosterone deficiency is apathy, or a decreased interest in the things of life. Of course, there are plenty of other reasons why a person might be apathetic. These can include depression, nutritional imbalances, sleep disorders, or a deficiency of the thyroid hormones. By talking to the patient, the doctor can often eliminate many of these causes.

If testosterone deficiency isn’t eliminated as a possible cause in the conversation, the doctor can verify it with a clinical trial. All he has to do is prescribe a two-to-three month course of testosterone replacement therapy. If the apathy disappears, then it proves the diagnosis. If it doesn’t, then it’s back to the drawing board. At that point, any other causes need to be investigated. This is perfectly safe even if there’s not a deficiency. The body will adjust back to normal levels after the trial is finished.

As we mentioned at the outset, laboratory tests are the most common way to diagnose a deficiency, but it’s not the most effective. The reason is that everyone is different. So what most people need for a “normal” hormone level may not be what you need. So you could be in the normal range for a particular hormone, but it might not be enough for you. Most doctors will see that your levels are in the normal range and tell you there’s no need to take any hormones.

Because of this problem, laboratory tests are better used as a way to monitor the hormones you’re taking rather than using them to actually diagnose deficiencies. The lab tests can tell you if the treatment is raising your levels sufficiently – or if you need more or less of the hormone.

So if you have noticed any changes in your health in recent months for no apparent reason, come into the Real Health Medical Clinic for a hormone evaluation. It’s possible you could see your health return to normal very quickly with no negative side effects. Learn more about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and call 678-990-5401 today to set up an appointment.