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Metabolic Mastery: Three Keys to Unlocking Long Term Weight Loss

Metabolic Mastery: Three Keys to Unlocking Long Term Weight Loss

Written By Karen Harrison, NTP FDN-P

Not many things in life are quite as frustrating as doing “all the things”, but the weight just won’t budge! When people say:

  • “I eat like a bird, and I still haven't lost any weight!
  • “I exercise very consistently, but I’m not losing weight!”
  • “I’ve been losing and gaining the same 5-10lbs for the last year!”
  • “My hormones are balanced, and I do feel better, but I’m still not losing any weight!”
  • “I’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work for me!”

They are just confirming the energy model (calories in/calories out) has failed them.  The CICO (Calories In/Calories Out) outdated model is flawed - a numbers game that produces only short-term results at best while ignoring the keys to metabolic health itself!

The CICO Model still prevails in mainstream weight loss programs, and here’s it’s basic flaws according to numerous studies: 

  • Ignores where the weight loss comes from (muscle vs. fat) 
  • Ignores negative impacts on metabolic health 
  • Ignores food quality (actual nutrients)
  • Ignore other factors that impact weight loss (like hormones, gut microbiome, toxicities etc.)
  • Can result in disordered eating and exercising   
  • Never works long-term and is often not correlated with health benefits
  • Can encourage unhealthy mindsets around body image, food and exercise to develop

The CICO model for weight loss is not enough.  And, at times can backfire, creating more metabolic health issues and weight gain. Why?

Because excess weight (specifically fat) is a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself.  Underneath the math lies the metabolic controls that influence our health and weight. But… There's good news!

When weight loss (specifically fat loss) is approached within the context of re-building metabolic health, the weight drops off naturally, effortlessly AND stays off long term! That’s the functional approach to weight loss.

Because… The functional approach says …

  1. Excess fat accumulation is really an adaptive, protective response.   We just need to find out what the body’s innate intelligence is protecting us from and remove that!  When we do, that allows the metabolic systems to work efficiently again.  
  2. You are unique. Your weight loss solution should be too.  It’s not about the program. It’s always about the person. 
  3. Weight loss isn't just about diet and exercise (calories in / calories out); it’s about creating a holistic lifestyle that supports/rebuilds metabolic health. 

When we understand how to retrain the Three Key Metabolic Controls - that’s long-term metabolic mastery and weight loss success!   

PLUS - the functional approach can prevent developing or help navigating chronic, more serious health conditions like heart disease, diabetes and even cancer! When we separate weight from health, we may lose weight (not necessarily fat) short-term through a CICO diet/exercise program, but still develop heart disease or breast cancer a year later AND/OR gain all the weight back plus some!

Have you repeated the “CICO cycle” of management?  It’s time to move toward mastery by shifting to the functional approach of the Three Key Metabolic Controls for Weight Loss!

Metabolic Control #1: Cellular Energy

Very few people experience consistent energy levels all day long. Remember back to 9th grade biology and the anatomy of the cell and the mitochondria…  the powerhouse, the energy engine? It turns out that our mitochondria help turn food into energy and hold the first key to fat loss!  

Healthy weight loss starts at the cellular level!

The Problem: Identifying Energy Thieves

When the mitochondria of our cells are damaged, working very hard to produce very little energy, our weight and health suffer.  When our cellular energy is low, we can experience:

  • Thyroid problems
  • Chronic infections 
  • Detoxification issues
  • Gut problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • And on and on…

There are two categories of energy thieves that can damage our mitochondria:

#1: Deficiencies - Things that should be there that aren’t

  • Macronutrient (proteins - amino acids, carbohydrates, fats - fatty acids)
  • Micronutrient (vitamins and minerals)
  • Cutting calories for too long - “starvation mode”
  • Lack of cholesterol (low-fat diets) 
  • Dehydration
  • Poor sleep
  • Poor digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Low hormones
  • Low neurotransmitters

#2:  Toxicities - Things that shouldn’t be there that are

**80% of the Deficiencies are caused by these toxicities

  • Creating too much ATP (calorie-excess), which inhibits glycolysis 
  • Eating isolated fructose ( processed foods) 
  • Certain medications
  • Environmental pollutants or toxins
  • Build up of Acetyl Co-A (from too much glucose and/or alcohol) 
  • Alcohol (malnutrition, NAD-stealing, water/mineral dysregulation) 
  • Chronic stress induced inflammation 
  • Dysregulated Circadian Rhythm 
  • Negative thought loops
  • Emotional trauma
  • Spiritual stressors (anger, guilt, bitterness, etc.)
  • EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies)
  • Heavy Metals
  • Infections
  • Molds
  • Excess hormones

The Solution - Remove & Replace

Cellular energy will soar when we remove the toxins and replace the deficiencies!! Our bodies are amazing! They have been designed to know exactly what to do when given the support and tools to do so.  When our cellular energy engine is turned on again, we will be able to:

  • Burn glucose and ketones (metabolic flexibility) effectively 
  • Balance blood sugar
  • Decrease insulin resistance
  • Cut carb/sugar cravings
  • Increase overall energy levels

Real Health Medical is partnered with Eureka! Holistic Nutrition to offer a functional approach to weight mastery through the  D.R.E.S.S. Coaching Program.   Phase 1 of the Coaching Program focuses on personalized strategies for Diet,  Rest, Exercise, Stress mastery, Supplemental therapies that focus on repairing the mitochondria to turn on fat burning mode, increase energy and lower inflammation that are based on the client’s assessments and lab testing. 

Metabolic Control #2: Gut Health

Did you know that the mitochondria and microbiome (the community of microorganisms in our guts) talk to each other?  A healthy gut is crucial for detoxification, hormone balance, mental and emotional stability, sleep regulation, inflammation control, and optimal weight!  There are more microbes in our guts than cells in our bodies!  These microbes can influence our metabolic rate and our very DNA expression for health or illness!

Four Types of Microbes in our guts:

#1 Parasites

#2 Bacteria

#3 Fungal

#4 Yeast

Heal the gut to lose the gut. 

The Problem: Identifying Microbiome Imbalances

The gut is a whole system - upper GI, mid GI, lower GI tract. Microbe imbalances can occur when the function of any section of the GI tract is impaired:

  • Upper GI - low stomach acid, enzyme deficiency, low bile acid, sluggish gallbladder
  • Mid GI - leaky or inflamed mucosal lining, overgrowth of bad parasites, bacteria, fungus, yeasts, poor nutrient absorption
  • Lower GI - overgrowth of bad parasites, bacteria, fungus, yeasts, inflamed mucosal lining, sluggish transit time

The bad (opportunistic or pathogenic) microbes produce their own toxins that cause all sort of metabolic problems, but the good (comensal) microbes increase GLP-1 activation for appetite, blood sugar and weight control, boost thyroid and metabolic rate, convert inactive hormones to active, produce serotonin and other mood boosting neurotransmitters and so much more that directly affects weight mastery!!

The Solution: Repair & Repopulate

Eating slowly, incorporating digestive enzymes and gallbladder support, improving stomach acid and gastric pH, repairing mucosal linings, killing the “bad guys” to repopulate with healthy colonies of microbes to restore probiotic balance is what repair and repopulate for gut health could look like from a whole system approach.

Our guts are called “The Second Brain”.   The mind/body connection of our microbiome is foundational to sustained weight loss with mindset retraining that builds healthy guts and emotions!  When our gut microbiome is repaired and repopulated, we will be able to:

  • Detoxify safely 
  • Relieve chronic gut symptoms (bloating, constipation, etc.)
  • Activate GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide) naturally
  • Build mental/emotional resilience (cutting off the emotional eating pull)
  • Master cravings/ appetite regulation

In Phase 2 of the D.R.E.S.S. Coaching Program we focus on with Diet. Rest. Exercise. Stress mastery and Supplemental therapies to rebalance the microbiome and mindset based on client’s assessments and lab testing.

Metabolic Control #3: Hormone Balance

The Problem: Identifying Haywire Hormones

It’s true, hormones naturally decline as we age, but hormones can go haywire at any age! It’s not just about menopause for women or low testosterone for men over 50!  Hormones regulate every function of the body and can work for us or against us in weight loss.  

  • Appetite hormones (leptin, ghrelin, and more)
  • Energy hormones (insulin, cortisol, thyroid)
  • Sex hormones (DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone)

This list is not exhaustive by any means, and there are precursors to these hormones that are equally as important not listed here.  For sake of simplicity in a very complex orchestra the main concept is: 

Hormones function interconnectedly!  

Appetite hormones affect energy hormones and energy hormones can affect sex hormones. Sex hormones affect appetite and energy hormones!  Hormones can play multiple roles in appetite and energy for example! It can often be more about the ratio or relationship between the hormones than the actual hormone levels themselves. 

Metabolic Control #1 of Cellular Energy and Metabolic Control #2 of Gut Health have a profound effect on Metabolic Control #3 of Hormone Balance because:

  • Hormones are formed from cholesterol, amino acids and fatty acids 
  • Inactive to active forms of hormones are converted in our liver and/or gut by good bacteria
  • Methylation and detoxification of excess hormones requires certain B vitamins and optimal gut/elimination function
  • Each gland is dependent on a specific mineral. (thyroid - iodine, adrenals - copper, etc.)
  • Chemicals and toxins called endocrine disruptors or “obesogens” can affect hormone production, conversion and absorption

So… this means that hormone imbalances are more often a result, not a root.  This can also explain why hormone levels can be balanced on paper, and we can feel better, but the weight won’t budge.

The Solution: Rebalance

Hormone balance doesn’t have to be complicated (even though hormones are complex).  It has to be focused.  Meaning, personalized, phased protocols of lifestyle that support the body’s own ability to balance hormone levels.   

At Real Health, we offer bio-identical hormone therapy that can be very powerful and needed, but if we aren’t doing the lifestyle habits that:

  • Repair the mitochondria
  • Lower insulin and stabilize blood sugar - metabolic flexibility
  • Repopulate our good bacteria in our guts
  • Eat and absorb needed nutrients to make hormones
  • Detoxify excess hormones efficiently
  • Support the glands themselves with supplementation & at home natural therapies

Then the weight mastery may not follow, and we will still be orbiting in a cycle of management!

In Phase 3 of the D.R.E.S.S. Coaching Program we focus on key strategies with Diet. Rest. Exercise. Stress mastery and Supplemental therapies (like certain hormone boosting focus foods, strength training, adaptogenic herbs and glandular therapies PLUS spiritual stressors of fear or guilt) that can wreak havoc on our endocrine balance. As always, we don’t guess, we test - lifestyle D.R.E.S.S. protocols for hormone balance are based on assessments and lab testing with the oversight of our Nurse Practitioner.

The Coaching Difference

Ever tried to lose weight on your own?  Maybe you’ve thought: 

  1. “I know what I should do, I just gotta do it”
  2. “I’ll go back to my diet plan I did before when I lost weight”
  3. “I can follow a book or plan on my own”

The DIY approach can work short term, until a life circumstance throws you off track or you lose motivation, or you get stuck in a rut or you start to self-sabotage cycle…

And often the solution is - “I need a new plan!”   When really you just need someone to stay with you: guide you, help you discover the strategies that work for you, celebrate your every victory, and help you navigate challenges along the way.  

Numerous studies show coaching can be very effective to achieve:

  • Faster results
  • More long-term results
  • More weight loss overall

Personalized coaching offers what nothing else can. 

Coaching is about the person, not the program that promotes:

  1. Commitment to Yourself
  2. Commitment to the Process
  3. Commitment to the Possibilities

At Real Health Medical, we believe Health Coaching from a functional and Christian faith-based Biblical perspective can be life-changing and worth the investment of time, energy, money and effort that reaps a lifetime of rewards! You will pay for wellness or illness.  Choose wellness today.

How to Get Started

Join our online community of like-minded people working on reclaiming metabolic health and achieving long-term weight loss naturally!

To get started, take the first step and register the D.R.E.S.S. Foundations Workshop - Get Started Protocol!

  1. Attend Workshop live, in person at our Roswell office - 555 Sun Valley Suite P4


Access Workshop on demand in the comfort of your own home!

Register Here for: ON DEMAND ACCESS 

Learn more about D.R.E.S.S. Foundations Workshop- Get Started Protocol!